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10. - The medieval quarter of Jerez, a structure from the Moors times.

Jerez preserves an old quarter with a design of the streets which comes from the time of the Moors domination. In fact, the birth of Jerez as a town happened during the X or XI centuries, under the Arab domination of this part of Spain. Jerez passed to Christian hands in 1,264 with its incorporation to the Castilian kingdom by the king Alfonso X "The wise".

From those times, Jerez counts with significant buildings, the most important is "The Alcazar" which is treated in point 13th, and the other important building are part of the defensive walls which surrounded the village. it is a pity that they are partially hidden behind houses of later construction.

For romantic visitors who like experiment other times atmosphere, walking for these narrow streets, as well as doing shopping at the "Zoco de la Artesania" (a shopping center for handcrafts) will be gratifying.

If you like, you can see the full album of the medieval quarter of Jerez, clicking in the following link:

The Medieval quarter of Jerez

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